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Personal Training for

badass-identifying women who
value innovation


I work with women in Imperial Beach and online with a focus on functional strength, metabolic conditioning, mobility, and being able to lift their OWN moving box filled with books, thank you very much!

I help my clients move through every-day positions safely and confidently. My expertise is in mobility and functional strength because this is what I see my clients need when they want to:

- getup from the ground easily
- lunge suddenly to catch their baby falling off the sofa
- carry in groceries without dying
- hike Mt. Carmel faster than their partner
- take up a new hobby like rock climbing without limitations
- join their local slow-pitch league
- have energy to be present in life
- manage mental health in a fun way
- stay active through pregnancy
- win against their kids in soccer
- work their labor-intense job without pain
- significantly lessen the impact chronic migraines and fibromyalgia
- lift heavy things without looking like a bodybuilder
- learn to value their body for everything it is capable of 
- create health-positive sustainable change in their relationship with food and with fitness

- finally get a hand stand
- disprove the people who say healthy only has one size

Yes, these are the real goals achieved by 
real clients have worked with me!

At this stage in life you're not really in to looking a certain way necessarily, but only as a by-product of the real goal of feeling strong and capable and able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them. I am here to help you move around in your life with less pain and more energy.



Typically personal trainers have a one-size-fits-all approach to training to make their work easier, but what I have actually seen in my clients is the need for personalization and modifications to support individual bodies. I listen with curiosity and empathy so I can understand what actually works for my clients on an individual basis.


I love passing my knowledge of how the body works on to my clients. Not only am going to tell you what to do, I am going to tell you why we are doing it this way for your body.


I understand the challenge of trying to navigate a world that wasn't made for my brain. Using my knowledge of psychology, physiology, and behavior change, I design programs and strategies that work for your brain and offer you a renewed relationship with wellness and with yourself. 


Alison, Client since 2018

Jordan is the best! Her knowledge of the body and movement has helped improve my quality of life as well as motivate me to get more fit and stronger. Plus she is friendly and kind and really roots for her clients.

Autumn, Client since 2022

Jordan has changed my life. When I started my fitness journey I never thought that I would be where I am. Fitness has become a part of my life and I truly enjoy getting in the gym. She has giving me confidence and made me realize I can do anything I set my mind to. She has changed my life for the better. Best trainer ever! 

Sarah, Client since 2021

Jordan helped me transform from living with constant pain and low flexibility to being empowered and strong. She listened to my desire to gain more mobility and tailored the workout for my goals. The regime she created for me was challenging yet fun, and I felt like it enhanced my brain as well by lighting up areas of my body I rarely use. We also always have a blast together. Hands down she is my favorite trainer and I look forward to every time we get to work together!


On your quest to find your ideal personal trainer, I am sure you have seen everything from the body-building expert to the booty-building queen to the dude man-splaining why your body isn't up to his standards and how he has the perfect novel solution to all of your assumed problems... My goodness! It's a testament to your resiliency that you haven't called it quits already!

The majority of the fitness world operates under the assumption that you are broken and in need of saving - preferably by the guy training all of his clients the same way he trains himself. Let me explain my style and why it is so effective for a broad spectrum of clients. Beyond the muscular and skeletal systems, there are two systems that many trainers leave out entirely. They are the fascial system and the nervous system.

​The fascial system is the connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers. Incidentally, fascial tissue forms along vectors of imposed stress, and has generally formed into "lines" that span the entire body. I am certified to train multiple modalities that create variability through movement, like kettle bells, battle ropes, and ViPR Pro. Beyond the equipment, I have 8 years of experience creating programs that incorporate and progress movements that create a robust fascial system. Clients experience the benefits of this style of training through reduced injuries and pain, avoiding plateaus, and creating strength that serves them every day. 

The nervous system is responsible for carrying messages between your brain and the rest of your body. This seems simple enough, but the effects of training on the nervous system and vice versa are often overlooked. In fact, the nervous system may be the reason you can't hit depth in your squat, lose weight, or get your blood pressure down despite your efforts. The autonomic nervous system, specifically, regulates involuntary physiological processes, include heart rate, digestion, blood pressure, and even sexual arousal. By training with the nervous system in mind, my clients are able to down-regulate and step into the results they have been chasing after. 

Perhaps more important that the physiology of wellness (and thats hard for me to say!) are the relationships I form with my clients. I am trained and experienced in behavior change and wellness coaching, and these strategies as well as my genuine love for people permeate my sessions.


We can all use our trauma as our strength, and for me that shows up as curiosity, empathy, and acceptance.


I am my clients' biggest fan and truly believe that they are all capable and creative and resourceful enough to emerge as their most-fulfilled self.

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Join me on fit!

The easy-to-navigate app where you will access your training program and easily get in contact with me!

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Access the fit app 
and trial program here!

Enjoy 3 free workouts


videos for each exercise!

WARNING! Trial Program will likely be so energizing and fun that you won't want to quit my workouts. 

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