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Products I Love

Over the years, I have encountered some exceptional wellness products. Check out my list of favorites, including products for a home gym, education, mobility, and more!

I do NOT currently make any money off of these products.

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ViPR Pro 8kg

This is, in my opinion, the most versatile product, and an essential for any home gym. "A subset of strength, is the ability to create purposeful force for a variety of different tasks; with different speeds/angles/loads. We call this Functional Strength, or in other words Being Farm Strong." 

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The Roll Model-Jill Miller

The Roll Model is an extensive guide to using the Tune-Up Fitness massage balls. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for general mobility work for every day life. 

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VooDoo Floss Bands-Rogue

VooDoo flossing is an incredible technique the creates space in joins, promotes blood flow and healing, and reduces "stickiness." This brand it by far my favorite. Please be sure to research how to use thus before giving it a go. I can help if you have questions!

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Tune Up Fitness Massage Balls

These are incredibly versatile tools used to "improve your mobility, prevent injury, and practice self-care fitness." I have used these myself for years and they are my go-to for any mobility issues or pain through movement. 

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Becoming a Supple Leopard
-Kelley Starrett

"Supple Leopard" is a concept coined by Dr. Kelley Starrett to highlight his extensive approach to movement. This book is educational and practical, and I recommend it to anyone looking to take their wellness to the next level in the gym and in life.

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Anatomy Trains
-Thomas W. Meyers

If you are someone who loves to learn, this book is incredible. The fascial system is such an under-appreciated system, and could be they key to overcoming your plateau. Meyers explains the fascial system as well as the "trains" of facial tissue that are connected. These trains of facial tissue play an integral roll in movement, and anyone will benefit from understanding them. 

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TRX Suspension Trainer

If you have used the TRX, you likely know how amazing it is in-session. I recommend this to anyone doing at-home workouts who needs extra assistance on movements like squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups. I also recommend this to the more advanced population looking to explore functional strength and calisthenics. 

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RumbleRoller Gator

This roller may look like torture, but is designed for “cross frictional massage.” Rather than rolling on it (though you can if you want), you move side to side. "This shearing force displaces underlying layers of tissue, helping to loosen up tight muscles, improve blood flow, and help you recover faster."

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"Curve" Muscle Scraper

Muscle scraping is an awesome modality to address superficial fascial tissue. There are many options, this is just the one i have and I love it! Please make sure you research how to perform muscle scraping before using this or any similar products. I can help if you have questions!

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